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Archive for mai 2013

Sceneri fra WW4

Posted by Sjur Cappelen Papazian den mai 21, 2013

Sammen med Kina, India og Brasil (BRIC), Latin Amerika (ALBA) og deler av Afrika, samt Iran (NAM) står Russland sterkt, og har forberedt seg på krig mot USA/Israel, hvis det skulle være nødvendig. I tillegg til at USA/Israel streber etter å få kontroll over hele verden (se Joint Vision 2020 og Full-Spectrum Dominance) ser rakettskjoldene mot Kina og Russland, samt krigen i Syria og truslene mot Iran, ut til å at dette blir resultatet selv om både Russland og Kina allerede har advart USA/Israel flere ganger.

Aserbaidsjan og NATO-landet Tyrkia er allierte med USA/Israel. USAs nest største ambassade er i Armenia og russerne har militærleir der. Armenia er heller venner med resten enn med Vesten, men forholder seg nøytrale – trives bedre med handel enn med krig. Det er for tiden et lite land omringet av «fiender» med unntak av Iran. Russland har erklært at man vil forsvare Armenias grenser som sine egne, men hvordan Russland vil handle i en Artsakh konflikt er ennå uvisst. Men som sagt så er Armenia og Russland forholdsvis gode «venner».

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En film man burde se: Munich av S. Spielberg

Posted by Sjur Cappelen Papazian den mai 21, 2013

In the final scene, Avner openly questions the basis and effectiveness of the operation, and Ephraim admits that there was no evidence linking any of the targets to the Munich massacre. In a show of respect, Avner asks Ephraim to break bread with him, but because he has refused to return to Israel, Ephraim rejects him and leaves. Avner leaves as well.

Munich is a 2005 historical film about the Israeli government’s secret retaliation against the Black September group after the Munich massacre during the 1972 Summer Olympics. The film was produced and directed by Steven Spielberg and written by Tony Kushner and Eric Roth.

The film shows how a squad of assassins, led by former Mossad agent Avner (Eric Bana), track down and kill a list of Black September members thought to be responsible for the murders of eleven Israeli athletes. The second part of the film, which depicts the Israeli government’s response, has been debated a great deal by film critics and newspaper columnists. Spielberg refers to the film’s second part as «historical fiction», saying it is inspired by the actual Israeli operations, known as Operation Wrath of God.

The film is based on the book Vengeance: The True Story of an Israeli Counter-Terrorist Team by Canadian journalist George Jonas, which in turn was based on the story of Yuval Aviv, who claims to have been a Mossad agent. In the book, Aviv’s story is told through a protagonist called «Avner».

During the last scene, the camera pans across the New York City skyline and stops with the Twin Towers in the center of the scene. A postscript notes that 9 of the 11 men targeted by Mossad were eventually assassinated, including Salameh in 1979.

Operation Wrath of God also Operation Bayonet, was a covert operation directed by Israel and the Mossad targeting individuals allegedly involved in the 1972 Munich massacre in which 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team were murdered.

The targets were members of the Palestinian armed militant group Black September and Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) operatives. Authorized by Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir in the autumn of 1972, the operation is believed to have continued for over 20 years.

The operation was depicted in the television film Sword of Gideon (1986), and Steven Spielberg’s Munich (2005).

Munich massacre

Munich (film)

Operation Wrath of God

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Al Qaeda: Enemy or Asset?

Posted by Sjur Cappelen Papazian den mai 20, 2013

Why Was a Sunday Times Exposé on an Al-Qaeda Leader’s Ties to the the US Government Spiked?

A whistleblower has revealed extraordinary information on the U.S. government’s support for international terrorist networks and organised crime. The government has denied the allegations yet gone to extraordinary lengths to silence her. Her critics have derided her as a fabulist and fabricator. But now comes word that some of her most serious allegations were confirmed by a major European newspaper only to be squashed at the request of the U.S. government.

Al Qaeda: Enemy or Asset?


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The Aryan Civilization – Mitanni (hurri-aryan – armenian) – Mitra – Mithraic-mysteries

Posted by Sjur Cappelen Papazian den mai 16, 2013

The Aryan Civilization – Mitanni (hurri-aryan – armenian) – Mitra – Mithraic-mysteries

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Dagens konflikt

Posted by Sjur Cappelen Papazian den mai 13, 2013


Forutså jødeutryddelsen

Alt i 1943 skrev Haakon Lie om «utslettelsen av seks millioner jøder». Han forutså jødenes tragedie med oppsiktsvekkende presisjon.

En ny verden i sin emning

Haakon Steen Lie (født 22. september 1905 i Kristiania, død 25. mai 2009) var en norsk politiker og partisekretær for Arbeiderpartiet 1945–69. Han kom med i kretsen rundt Martin Tranmæl i 1921, og deltok særlig aktivt i partibyggingen før og etter andre verdenskrig. Lie var medstifter av Arbeidernes Opplysningsforbund hvor han var sekretær 1932–40, og sentralstyremedlem i Arbeiderpartiet 1945–69.

Hans hovedengasjement var i forsvars- og utenrikspolitikken. Lie deltok frivillig på republikkens side i den spanske borgerkrig og mistet en bror i motstandskampen mot nazistene under andre verdenskrig, etter at han selv i 1941 rømte til England og ble tilknyttet LOs London-kontor. Lie arbeidet etter krigen utrettelig for å styrke forsvaret og partiets forankring vestover, både av overbevisning og for å kompensere for sosialdemokratiets skjebnesvangre pasifisme i møtet med Hitler i mellomkrigstiden.[1] Han ble senere sekretær i Europabevegelsen fra 1970 til 1973.

Mens han var politisk aktiv, gjorde Lie seg særlig kjent for sin uforsonlige linje mot kommunistene og venstresiden i sitt eget parti, og spilte en viktig rolle i forbindelse med overvåkningen av disse miljøene i etterkrigstiden. Han var en ivrig tilhenger av NATO og EF, og ivret for at Norge fortsatt skulle opprettholde tette sikkerhetspolitiske bånd til Storbritannia og USA. Lie ivret for solidaritet med Israel og det israelske arbeiderpartiet gjennom sin personlige venn David Ben-Gurion, landets første statsminister.

I oktober 1943 kom en advarsel fra Haakon Lie, som i et intervju med reporteren Lise Lindbæk i Nordisk Tidende, den største norskspråklige avisen i USA, slo fast at ”alt hvad som er skjedd under krigen, er småting i sammenligningen med utslettelsen av 6 millioner jøder. Alt hvad Norge, Polen – tyskerne selv etc. har lidt er ingenting i sammenligning med denne fryktelige utslettelse av et helt folk – og man kunde gråte når man ser at ikke deres skjebne har gjort et langt større inntrykk enn det er tilfellet. Europa er så fullt av fornedrende rasehat at vi ikke har noen ting vi skulle ha sagt amerikanerne.”

Utryddelsene hadde på dette tidspunkt ikke nådd det omfang Lie beskriver, men han skulle tydeligvis komme til å få rett. Han spådde til og med det rette antall – akkurat som om det skulle ha blitt bestemt rundt et møtebord på forhånd. Vi vet alle at det er den seirendes versjon man hører og hvor mye holocaust, folkemordet eller jødeutryddelsen, som jeg ikke setter spørsmål ved om fant sted, via propaganda har betydd for ettertiden.

Dette folkemordet, som blir tatt opp både i tide og utide, har blitt brukt til å sverte nazistene og hedre de allierte, som for en stor del var nazi sympatisører både før og under Andre verdenskrig, og til å samle støtte for Israel og sionistens kampsaker. De allierte, og da især kapitalistene, har forsøkt, slik de også gjorde det under den økonomiske verdenskrisen i 1929, å påvise at det var enormt stor forskjell mellom nazistene og kapitalistene og at kapitalismen ikke har noe ansvar for krisen. Det er kun det at det er så alt for mange likheter mellom de to ideologiene eller folkene bak dem og at den vestlige verden i etterkan av krigen beste fall kan sies å ha vært en sammenspleising av dem begge to.

Israel, som i linje med USA, ble bygget opp gjennom drepe og fordrive den opprinnelige befolkningen i området, palestinerne, uansett om de er muslimer eller kristne. På tross av at holocaust ofrene ble behandlet som annenrangs da de ankom Israel i etterkant av krigen, en tredjedel av Israels holocaust ofre lever ennå i dyp fattigdom i Israel, så profitterer Israel, slik som Norman Finkelstein påviser i sin bok Holocaustindustrien fra 2000, på Holocaust gjennom moralsk og økonomisk utpressing av en rekke land. Dette samtidig som de f.eks. har nektet for at armenerne også har vært ofre for folkemord. De har profittert seg gjennom å slå fast at de er unike, noe som har ført til mye hat blant jøder overfor andre folkeslag. De, som oss, tror på de løgnene regjeringsapparatene og kapitalistene sprer om seg med.

Taperne er, foruten palestinerne, alle dem som har arbeidet for en tredje vei. De som verken ville ha nazisme eller kapitalisme, og kanskje heller ikke kommunisme (slik den ble praktisert i Sovjet). Dem som ville leve i en rettferdig og fredelig verden hvor vi sammen for eksempel kunne konfrontere spørsmål som forurensing og atomkraft.

The Other Side: The Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism

Joint Vision 2020 was a document released on May 30, 2000, by the United States Department of Defense proclaiming the need for «full-spectrum dominance» on the battlefield. The Joint Vision 2020 concepts have subsequently formed the basis of United States military doctrine. The document envisages the military threats that might confront the United States in the year 2020 and possible responses to these threats.

Joint Vision 2020 – Wikipedia

File:Helphand Parvus.jpg

Alexander Parvus in 1905

Alexander Parvus

Parvus, Jabotinsky, and London’s Young Turks

Armenian Massacre – Sunray 22 B

Hans Freiherr von Wangenheim


The Six Pointed Star of Armenia

The Armenian Origins of Swastika

In Armenia swastika is called «vardan«, «arevakhach» and «ker khach» and is the ancient symbol of eternal light (i.e. God). Swastikas in Armenia were founded on petroglyphs. Among the oldest petroglyphs is the seventh letter of the Armenian alphabet – «E» (which means «is» or «to be») – depicted as half-swastika. Swastikas can also be seen on early Medieval churches and fortresses, including the principal tower in Armenia’s historical capital city of Ani. The same symbol can be found on Armenian carpets, cross-stones (khachkar) and in medieval manuscripts.

Pharaoh Thutmose III of Egypt mentioned in the 33rd year of his reign (1446 BC) the people of Ermenen, and says in their land “heaven rests upon its four pillars”.

The world oldest swastika was found from a burial site of a hunting culture, worlds earliest temple Gobekli Tepe was created by non-porcelain, non-agricultural hunter gatherer people, likely also nomadic. However the earlist porcelain and agricultural people did not creat meaningful symbols or temples, implying the agricultural people lacked organizational trait. The hunter gatherers, later to become the first agroculturalists, from Near East, especially Anatolia, the Armenian Highland, were the first nomads, they are the root of world civilization. These people are still around, some migrated to Europe, settling in Africa, Europe and Asia, mixing with locals there. The descendents of nomadic heritage can be proud of it.

The archeological founds in the Halaf culture in the Armenian Highland shares similarities with Indian ones. The Mitanni language, which is a very archaic Indo-Iranian language (older and more archaic than old Avestan and Rigvedic and which according to Indo-European linguists forms a fifth independant Indo-Iranian group – oldest swastika( 6000-5000 B.C) in a Hurrian city. In fact the Hurrians and the Aryans (Armenians) established Mitanni, later Ur-Ar-at (Ararat) and then Armenia. While the Aryans became Armenians, the Hurrians became the Kurds (Iranian speaking).

The conflict:

Parvus, alias Israel Gelfhand, hjalp baade til med aa gjennomfore bolsjevikenes kupp i Russland ved blant annet aa faa Lenin dit, aa komme frem til ideen om den permanente revolusjon (Trotsky fikk aeren) og aa myrde armenerne og andre kristne gruppere i det ottomanske riket. Trotskistene maatte etter Lenins dod romme Russland. De dro til USA. Trotskistene ble til de neokonservative og permanent revolusjon ble til permanent krigsokonomi. Drapet paa armenerne, opphavet til vaar sivilisasjon og spraak, samt David stjernens og swastikaens opphav, betydde at verdens dyktigste handelsfolk ble brutalt myrdet og at verdens mest kreative og dynamiske kultur, de frihetselskende armenerne (frygisk lue – Mitra og Jesus), forsvant. Hebraeerne (Hebat var hurriernes (armenernes) gudinne) har baade tatt sitt navn, deres fremste symbol (David stjernen) og deres religion (jodedommen) fra hurrierne. Heb-ra-ere staar naa frem som verdens dyktigste handelsfolk. Forskjellen er kun den at mens armenerne er kreative og skapende (ar), saa er hebraere, eller snarere joder, naermere bestemt sionister og da isaer de sionistene som i dag styrer i Israel og USA (bankierne og oligarkene), gjerrige og krigerske. Det foregaar naa en krig mot armenerne og deres kultur. Her i Armenia kalles dette for det hvite folkemordet – kulturell odeleggelse og okonomisk isolasjon av verdens storste handelsfolk uten at resten av verden reagerer. Forst stjeler man deres kultur, deretter knuser man dem og tar deres plass. Krigen og den kulturelle odeleggelse av land som Syria og Irak er en krig mot arierne (armenerne). Dette kan lett fore til VK4, noe vi ikke trenger naa. Vi trenger frihet, rettferdighet og fred. Men for at vi skal lykkes med dette krever det at verden forstaar hva som skjer og tar ansvar. Makten maa ligge hos folket og ikke oligarkene, politikere maa arbeide for folket og ikke for oligarkene, de graa linjene mellom det som er lov og ulovlig naar det kommer til alt fra handel med diamanter til handel med kulturelle gjenstander maa bort og okonomien komme under kontroll, noe som blant annet vil si at vi maa legge ned skatteparadisene. Israel hensynslose behandling av palestinerne maa opphore umiddelbart, noe ogsaa antiarmenismen i land som Tyrkia og Aserbaidsjan ogsaa maa gjore. Baade Israel og USA maa stanse sin agresjonspolitikk og legge ned planer for full verdenskontroll slik som Vision 2020. Grupper som Indignados, Occupy og Idle No More, samt bevegelser som den arabiske spring (for den ble kapret av CIA) kommer med legitime krav som maa teas paa alvor.

TINA – There is no Alternatives.

For sporsmaal – se mine blogger:



PS: Som beskrevet gjelder hverken beskrivelsen av hebraerne eller armenerne maal naar det kommer til alle individene i de to respektive folkegruppene. Alle armenerne er ikke gode frihetssokende individer som deler det de har med alle andre og hebraerne hevntorste og gjerrige. Men man kan ikke lenger se bort fra den politikk som blir fort av USA og Israel.

The Zionist founders of Pan-Turkism

Source: Pan-Turkism, From Irredentism to Cooperation

The three founders of the pan-Turkism were:

1. Pan-Turkism was first called for in the 1860’s by Vambery a Zionist from Hungary, who had become an adviser to the Sultan, but who secretly worked for Lord Palmerston and the British Foreign Office. Vambery later tried to broker a deal between the Zionist leader Theodor Herzl and the Sultan, over the creation of Israel.

2. The Jewish French writer, Leon Cahun who formed and propagated pan-Turkism in his book: Introduction al’Histoire de l’Asie, Turcs, et Mongols, des …

3. Arthur L. David, a British Jew who in his book tried to
give the Turks a superiority myth.

Young Turks:

In October 1843, twelve German-Jewish immigrants met on New York’s Lower East Side to help others like themselves. Pooling their ideas and their funds, they founded what would become the most enduring service organization for the Zionist identity in the United States. Its name — B’nai B’rith, «Children of the Covenant».

The founder of the Young Turks was a Jewish Italian B’nai B’rith official named Emmanuel Carasso. Carasso set up the Young Turk secret society in the 1890’s in Salonika, then part of Turkey, and now part of Greece.


Another important area was the press. While in power, the Young Turks ran several newspapers, including The Young Turk, whose editor was none other than the Russian Zionist leader Vladimir Jabotinsky. Jabotinsky had been educated as a young man in Italy. He later described Mazzini’s ideas as the basis for the Zionist movement.

Jabotinsky arrived in Turkey shortly after the Young Turks seized power, to take over the paper. The paper was owned by a member of the Turkish cabinet, but it was funded by the Russian Zionist federation, and managed by B’nai B’rith (which gave birth to among other things monsters like the ADL). The editorial policy of the paper was overseen by a Dutch Zionist named Jacob Kann, who was the personal banker of the king and queen of the Netherlands.

Alexander Parvus…the ‘behind the scenes’
mastermind of the Armenian Genocide,
men of Jewish ‘international finance’ who planned the «Russian» Revolution who pumped millions of marks from banker gold reserves to bank roll the «World Revolution.»

Alexander Parvus (Russian: Александр Парвус) (1867 – 1924) was a ‘revolutionary’ jew.

Parvus was born Israel Lazarevich Gelfand (Russian: Израиль Лазаревич Гельфанд; his last name in English is sometimes rendered Gelfant, Helfant or Helphand) in Belarus, the son of Jewish parents. He was raised in Odessa (today’s Ukraine), where he began associating with revolutionary circles. At age nineteen he left for Zurich, where he continued his studies, becoming a doctor of philosophy in 1891. By this time he had also become a Marxist. He moved to Germany, joined the Social Democratic Party and befriended revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg. In 1900, he met Vladimir Lenin for the first time, in Munich, each admiring the other’s theoretical works. Parvus encouraged Lenin to begin publishing his revolutionary paper Iskra.

Parvus’ attempts to become a German citizen proved fruitless. He once commented in a letter to his German friend Wilhelm Liebknecht that «I am seeking a government where one can inexpensively acquire a fatherland.»

Writing in the socialist press during the Russo-Japanese War, Parvus predicted that Russia would lose the war, resulting in unrest and revolution. When this proved to be the case, Parvus’ prestige among his socialist and other German comrades increased. During this time he developed the concept of using a foreign war to provoke an internal revolt within a country. It was at this time that Parvus revived, from Marx, the concept-strategy of permanent revolution» (See the linked Wikipedia article), which Trotsky then developed, and, through Trotsky, was eventually adopted by Lenin and the Bolsheviks in Lenin’s April Theses in 1917.

Later in 1905, Parvus arrived in St. Petersburg with false Austro-Hungarian papers. In December, Parvus authored a provocative article on behalf of the St. Petersburg Soviet, The Financial Manifesto, which described the Russian economy as being on the verge of collapse. The consequent rush on the banks managed to upset the economy and enrage prime minister Sergei Witte, but did not cause a financial collapse. In ties with this provocation and Parvus’ involvement in the organization of anti-government actions during the 1905 revolution, Parvus (together with other revolutionaries such as Leon Trotsky) was arrested by the Russian police. While in prison he became close with other revolutionaries, and was visited by Rosa Luxemburg. Sentenced to three years exile in Siberia, Parvus escaped and ran to Germany. There he published a book about his experiences called In the Russian Bastile during the Revolution.

While in Germany, Parvus struck up a deal with Russian author Maxim Gorky to produce his play The Lower Depths. According to the agreement, the majority of the play’s proceeds were to go to the Russian Social Democratic Party (and approximately 25% to Gorky himself). Parvus’ failure to pay (despite the fact that the play had over 500 showings) caused him to be accused of stealing. Gorky threatened to sue, but Rosa Luxemburg convinced Gorky to keep the quarrel inside the party’s own court. Eventually, Parvus paid back Gorky, but his reputation in party circles was scathed. He was already disliked by many because of his love of wealth, luxury, and his taste for debauchery (i.e. holding frequent orgies in a Swiss hotel).

In March 1917, in a plan strategized together with Parvus, Vladimir Lenin and a group of 30 of his revolutionary associates set out from Switzerland through Germany in a sealed train car under supevision of Swiss socialist Fritz Platten. In this car, according to documents in German archives and the information of the Russian intelligence network, Lenin had seven million golden marks at his disposal for seeding his revolution. Parvus was to have met with Lenin during a planned stopover in Stockholm, but Lenin sent his associates Jacob Ganetski and Karl Radek to meet with him instead. Two days before a rumored separate peace treaty, which the Russian provisional government was prepared to sign with all of Germany’s allies at the exclusion of Germany, the October Revolution took place.

Parvus wrote to Vladimir Lenin to request permission for him to come to Soviet Russia and take up an active role in supporting the ‘Russian’ Revolution. Lenin rejected Parvus, saying to him in reply The revolution cannot be done with dirty hands. This permanently ruined Parvus’ relations with Lenin. Parvus’ relations with Rosa Luxemburg and other German socialists also went sour. His political activity waned. He retreated to a German island near Berlin, where he lived in a well appointed 32-room mansion and soon afterwards published his memoirs.

Igor Bunich in his The Party’s Gold (Zoloto partii) suggests that Parvus was tightly connected to the grand theft of the monstrous communist funds deposited in Swiss banks.

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